Fitness festival — balance

Kristen McQuillin
Kilter blog
Published in
2 min readOct 24, 2017


Every day 10,000 steps! Life sometimes throws problems our way — bad weather, urgent deadlines, sick children — but we can walk through them, somehow. Its not only good for our body but for our mind and mood, too.

Today we focus again on balance. Two weeks ago we tried a beginner balance workout. Today we’re jumping in with the advanced one. It’s fun! You’ll probably fall over at least a little bit, so find a safe space without any pointy corners or delicate breakables.

If you don’t have an agility ball, be creative and find a modify the exercises in the video that need one. I do love my exercise ball and I recommend having one. If you’ve ever wondered about that big purple ball in HasGeek House; it’s mine! I use it as a chair every day and randomly topple off of it when I try to do fancy balances as a brain break between tasks. Not only does it improve my posture and core, but it entertains my coworkers.

You can have an extra star today if you fell over during the balance workout.

Remember that you can tweet to @Kiltercon, join the Friends of HasGeek #kilter channel on Slack or jump into the Kilter — Get balanced! group on Whatsapp to share your fitness festival experiences. Doing this together makes it better.

Kilter is HasGeek’s space for reasoned debate on how your body actually works, and how you can find your own path to good health via better nutrition, fitness and habits. Find us on Facebook, Twitter, and Slack.

