Fitness festival — meditation

Kristen McQuillin
Kilter blog
Published in
2 min readOct 25, 2017


I hope you’ve been enjoying these weekly meditation breaks. Mental fitness is just as important as physical fitness. We go about our daily lives stressing out about things that we can’t control, and sometimes even the things we can. Meditation can help to calm the mind enough to be able to act or release. So can walking, so don’t stop reaching for your 10,000 steps every day.

Today’s meditation is focussed on reducing anxiety. It has what I think of as the Millennial Voice, a very chilled out and whispery guidance that helps you become aware of the sensations in your body plus a short mantra to focus your mind. As short as it is, this video really does help to reduce anxiety if you are having a panic attack, feel overwhelmed, or otherwise need a few moments to collect yourself. Or I should say, this one works for me. Your mileage may vary.

Remember that you can tweet to @Kiltercon, join the Friends of HasGeek #kilter channel on Slack or jump into the Kilter — Get balanced! group on Whatsapp to share your fitness festival experiences. Doing this together makes it better.

Kilter is HasGeek’s space for reasoned debate on how your body actually works, and how you can find your own path to good health via better nutrition, fitness and habits. Find us on Facebook, Twitter, and Slack.

