Kilter Metrics Challenge: lab tests

Kristen McQuillin
Kilter blog
Published in
2 min readAug 16, 2017


The Kilter Metrics Challenge activity this week is to get lab tests to add to your baseline metrics. At the very least, you want to take a CBC & Chemistry Panel. These will give you data about your blood composition and basics on cholesterol, blood sugar and iron levels.

What else to get

While you’re having blood drawn for these fundamentals, you might want to consider a few other tests.

Not sure about your nutrition levels? A VMP (vitamin and mineral panel) will get you all the data on your vitamin levels.

Is cholesterol a worry? Add a Lipid Panel to your tests for a detailed view of your HDL, LDL and VLDL.

If you are concerned about insulin resistance or diabetes, you’ll want to dive deeper into your glucose. A fasting glucose test is the first step, but there are others, including HbA1C.

If you think you might have a sensitivity to gluten, there are tests for that: the celiac antibodies profile and gluten sensitivity assay.

Feeling aches and pains that might be arthritis? You’ll want to get some tests for inflammation: C-reactive protein, ESR, anti-nuclear antibodies (ANA).

Wondering about other tests to get? The lab you choose likely has packages available. Have a look at the options to get some ideas of what metrics you want to have for your self.

When & where to get it

Have your test first thing in the morning if you are testing your blood sugar. You need to have fasted for 12 hours and the easiest way to do that is overnight.

You can go to a diagnostic center or have one come to you. The members of our Kilter Metrics Challenge Whatsapp group gave some recommendations around Bangalore and beyond:

Lucid Diagnostics
Arthi Diagnostics

If none of these suit your needs, Google for “diagnostic centers” or step outside and look for a clinic. In my residential corner of Bangalore, I counted 5 diagnostic centers within 200 meters of my house. There is no real excuse for not getting your blood tests, except fear.

And that’s why this is a challenge. You can do it.

Kilter is HasGeek’s space for reasoned debate on how your body actually works, and how you can find your own path to good health via better nutrition, fitness and habits. Find us on Facebook, Twitter, and Slack.

